July Goals

June was such a busy month for me that I completely forgot to post my goals. July has started out a little nutty too but it’s better late then never… here are my July goals!
– DRINK MORE WATER! This deserves all caps because I completely stink at drinking water. It’s ridiculous and a little frustrating. I’ve been saying it from the beginning of the year. I’ve done good for a few months but I always just seem to slip back into the nasty habit. ๐Ÿ™ It was a wake up call for me this past Saturday when I was struggling with dehydration for the outdoor wedding I was shooting. So this is on the top of my goals list in big, BOLD letters and will remain there until I can conquer this habit of not drinking water.

– Run 2 miles 3 days a week… it’s crazy to even think that I’m using the word run in a sentence. Especially when I’m talking about myself. ha! But it’s true… I started running the beginning of May. It was this inspiring post from Nancy Ray that gave me the courage to even try. If you know me then you know that I am not an athletic girl at. all. Yeah I’ve always tried to work out, do some random workout video or pilates class but I never ever thought I’d be a running girl.ย  It’s been a slow process for me but to say that I’ve ran 2 miles without stopping is such a HUGE accomplishment for me! This month I’m going to try and run on a more consistent basis then what I have.

– Deliver ALL July clients their images before my next wedding on August 4th.

– Finish Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler before August.

– Blog my new packaging! ๐Ÿ™‚

– Oversee & help with VBS at my church the third week in July. Did you know that I have a part-time job? I’m the Children’s Ministry Intern at our church FBC Sudbury. I’m lucky enough to work alongside my husband too! He is the Youth & Worship Pastor. It’s fun to be able to head to work with my hubby on Wednesdays & Sundays! ๐Ÿ™‚

Instagram Recap from May:

Instagram Recap from June:

Do you have an instagram? If so I’d love to follow you!ย  Leave your instagram name below and we can become insta friends! ๐Ÿ™‚

My greatest mission for my business is that my clients feel seen, known, and cared for throughout the entire process. It would be an honor to photograph your wedding or portrait session and capture the heartfelt emotions of this special chapter in your life.


Fine art, editorial photographer capturing weddings and portraits in New England and Florida

Meet Ruthie

Let me capture the beauty within your story