June was such a busy month for me that I completely forgot to post my goals. July has started out a little nutty too but it’s better late then never… here are my July goals!
– DRINK MORE WATER! This deserves all caps because I completely stink at drinking water. It’s ridiculous and a little frustrating. I’ve been saying it from the beginning of the year. I’ve done good for a few months but I always just seem to slip back into the nasty habit. ๐ It was a wake up call for me this past Saturday when I was struggling with dehydration for the outdoor wedding I was shooting. So this is on the top of my goals list in big, BOLD letters and will remain there until I can conquer this habit of not drinking water.
– Run 2 miles 3 days a week… it’s crazy to even think that I’m using the word run in a sentence. Especially when I’m talking about myself. ha! But it’s true… I started running the beginning of May. It was this inspiring post from Nancy Ray that gave me the courage to even try. If you know me then you know that I am not an athletic girl at. all. Yeah I’ve always tried to work out, do some random workout video or pilates class but I never ever thought I’d be a running girl.ย It’s been a slow process for me but to say that I’ve ran 2 miles without stopping is such a HUGE accomplishment for me! This month I’m going to try and run on a more consistent basis then what I have.
– Deliver ALL July clients their images before my next wedding on August 4th.
– Finish Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler before August.
– Blog my new packaging! ๐
– Oversee & help with VBS at my church the third week in July. Did you know that I have a part-time job? I’m the Children’s Ministry Intern at our church FBC Sudbury. I’m lucky enough to work alongside my husband too! He is the Youth & Worship Pastor. It’s fun to be able to head to work with my hubby on Wednesdays & Sundays! ๐
Instagram Recap from May:
Instagram Recap from June:
Do you have an instagram? If so I’d love to follow you!ย Leave your instagram name below and we can become insta friends! ๐