So you know a couple of weeks back when I said some exciting things were happening over here at REP? Well, you finally get to find out what I’ve been keeping a secret for about a month now. : ) I’m officially a Southern Weddings Blue Ribbon Vendor for both North & South Carolina! YAY!! 🙂 I couldn’t be more thrilled! Seeeing as my family lives in Charlotte, it was such an easy decision to make. I will now be booking a select few weddings a year down in the Carolinas. Which ultimately means more sweet tea ; ), coffee dates with friends and hugging my nieces & nephews WAY more often!!
If you live in either North or South Carolina please feel free to spread the word to all your family & friends! 🙂 You can view my vendor listing here. p.s. I love that I’m the only vendor that used multiple smiley faces on my listing… hehe! : )