If you’ve been following closely and voting every day for your favorite then you probably know who the winner is. Victoria & Nick were totally rocking it and ahead of everyone for most of the week last week. Then on Friday morning I got this message from Kathryn… “We are so not giving up!! I gave Andy a pep-talk this morning.. social media rampage- activated!!!” and sure enough they were taking the lead. It was neck and neck most of Friday between these 2 couples but by Saturday Kathryn and Andy took a HUGE jump in the polls. As of last night Kathryn and Andy had 5,624 votes with Victoria & Nick at 3,827. I still can’t believe that total, between the 5 couples we had 10,677 votes!!!! That is crazy and SO awesome!! Thanks for everyone who came by and voted for your favorite finalist!
and CONGRATS to Kathryn & Andy on winning FREE wedding photography in 2013!!! I can’t wait for your wedding day!! 🙂